Is there anyone who hasn’t had a cold virus over the winter? Well it finally came to me. I felt strangely exultant when the sore throat started, because here was an illness that I was definitely going to get better from soon. Not like the months, or years of recovery needed for a chronic disease like cancer. But as we all know, when things become horrible you are just there in the moment, trying to endure it.
Read about how these essential oils can prevent and alleviate winter cold and flu symptoms. I also boiled the herb Eyebright to make mini eye compresses to soothe sore irritation on my face. Caring for the senses with colour, smell, touch and warmth brings gentle and powerful transformation in health.
Pills and plant allies
I would not be alive now if I had not received dendritic cell therapy, together with two check point blockers in each session. And medication that I take each day.
But I would also not be alive without the sun on my face and the earth underneath my feet.
You would stop reading this blog post now if I started listing all the physical symptoms that have come my way in the last year and a half. I have learned from friends, and my own exploration what to do using the plant world. (And yes, I have had to use meds sometimes, too.) Rash over most of the body, anyone? Oat parcels in bath, with calendula oil applied straight afterwards. And after putting the incredible Weleda Wild Rose Pampering Body Lotion on my arms one night when I couldn’t sleep for anxiety I decided to train as a Weleda Wellbeing Advisor.
Here is my JustGiving Page
My next appointment in Germany for cell based therapy for metastatic melanoma is on 08/02. My youngest daughter, Orly, made an amazing gift to me this time to help with the medical costs. Please click on the link if you can join her.
Thank you for reading,
Lisa x